There is a lot of fraud on the Internet. How do we convince skeptical prospects that SFI is legit and real?
Mungai Njenga, Aff (Kenya)
1/10/2014 1:35 am
Affiliate since: 09/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way to convince skeptics is show them results. Ask them to sign up for free and learn the ropes within the next 60 days without any investment. If you have tangible profits, show them proof of your earnings. Explain about the TripleClicks mastercard and that they will be paid monthly in their local currency. This then requires us to put our best foot forward and succeed and have something to show for our efforts. wish you all the best.
What makes you persevere with SFI and not quit?
Mungai Njenga, Aff (Kenya)
7/29/2014 4:26 am
Affiliate since: 09/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
I had been looking for an online job and managed to lose a few dollars to various scams including some which i did not have to day anything! Come SFI,i was still skeptical but it was free. When i registered i received a welcome letter from a real sponsor which made me decide this was worth a try. What makes me persevere;
1.No false promises about riches but i still had a paltry commission in 2nd month
2.My sponsor and co- sponsor were there to help
3.Had a friend request from a local team leader and he offered to help. Later i had more
a2a friends and all are helpful
4.I accumulated my commissions and received the Payoneer mastercard.
5.Ask SC and forum proved that other members are prospering though not overnight
6.Several ways to earn from home. I know that depending on my efforts and perseverance,
i stand to earn significant amounts in the near future.
7.SFI is increasingly becoming fun with more auctions and games
Wish you all the best and put all you learn in to practice and success will come your way
I had been looking for an online job and managed to lose a few dollars to various scams including some which i did not have to day anything! Come SFI,i was still skeptical but it was free. When i registered i received a welcome letter from a real sponsor which made me decide this was worth a try. What makes me persevere;
1.No false promises about riches but i still had a paltry commission in 2nd month
2.My sponsor and co- sponsor were there to help
3.Had a friend request from a local
How can we shift from quantity to QUALITY with our sign-ups?
Mungai Njenga, Aff (Kenya)
1/10/2014 2:22 am
Affiliate since: 09/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
The law of averages dictates that we got have quantity first before quality; 'some will and some wont.' Less than 10% of new sign ups will be workers. The best thing is to recruit relentlessly, be an awesome sponsor and nurture the new affiliates who are determined to succeed. Finally i think we should lead from the front. If we succeed, our active downline won't hesitate to copy what we do.
If you had to start over with SFI, having the knowledge and tools you have now that you didn't have before, what would you do differently?
Mungai Njenga, Aff (Kenya)
5/20/2013 7:19 am
Affiliate since: 09/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
I would; 1. earn the fast track badge
2. set up a standing order worth 1500vp or more immediately
3. spend on new sign ups, Tcredits and participate in auctions
4. rate ask sc answers daily, visit my T connect page as well all daily tasks
5. focus keenly on duplication and my weekly monthly and intermediate tasks