People to be come affiliates From my own country or from everywhere?
Should you?
You only need 5 permanent Psa's! Whether you choose 5 or more is totally up to you.
should you recruit people from only your country?
That can be a great thing, because their right in your own country & you can make far better & more contact with them.
You can arrange to meet with them. You can have get together at your home or choice of venue.
Once that is established & your team members are settled in, who knows, you'll might just choose to have rotating gatherings too.
Or even bigger, motivational speeches & included your local team members.
Do live chats, videos & included them too. (This can apply to both the above!)
Its also less expensive with local team members too! (land line conversation, for longer periods of time. word of month, create your own local flyers & distributing locations too!
You can put in far less online advertising time & do it in far less time locally, manually, by foot or on wheels, your local ferry depot's, bus depot's, grocery stores, gas stations, hotel lobbies, travel agencies,all, Doctors/Dentist/ Therapists offices, hospital lobbies, local bakeries ...etc.
Any where you can brain storm & think off, plus! Your looking for those high traffic spots!
Of courses, its wise to seek permission 1st in many of the above locations & were need be make an offer for their troubles & kind assistance too.
Than, when its all said & done, back track & see what & where moves the most!
leave your contacts or input them always too!
better still, input a special key code for each location & note it too!
Now for from anywhere, sky the limit you can advertise hard & recruit team members from all over the world.
You'll need Prms, lots of them or a few dedicated loyal shoppers, under you belt.
try your family, friends, neighbors, church members,parents, teachers, business owners & work collages...etc,too
Or make your work easy & shop at our TripleClicks
Order your Standing order of unit/units of S-Builder.
Or Psa's to Go!
Or see our many Eca's Psa's & traffic hits variety's too!
The sky is the limit, from anywhere too!
Its just applying a lot more trust & friendship, with total strangers & making them believers in you & your great mobile online home business too.
You'll need to generate sales & sell & promote this business.
Me personally, I really enjoy working with both!
Now, very important, your locals will have to be disciplined, cause once their interested big time, they'll be all over you & your time too. So be sure & schedule that, especially if you allow phone contacts too!
mines is, text me, email me, what's app me.
I do the you call me, right quick now, allowing only!
locally ALWAYS, stay on top of your leadership!
I hope I've help you to think out side of the box, like there's NO Box At All!
Enjoy your SFI/TC recruiting, locally & overseas too.