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Should I prospect people to become affiliates only from my own country...or from everywhere?

7155 votes

Pamela Butterfield, Aff (Bermuda) 10/20/2015 2:05 pm

Affiliate since: 11/24/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
People to be come affiliates From my own country or from everywhere?
Should you?
You only need 5 permanent Psa's! Whether you choose 5 or more is totally up to you.
should you recruit people from only your country?

That can be a great thing, because their right in your own country & you can make far better & more contact with them.
You can arrange to meet with them. You can have get together at your home or choice of venue.
Once that is established

What is the best way to train my PSAs and CSAs?

7077 votes

Pamela Butterfield, Aff (Bermuda) 9/2/2015 11:28 pm

Affiliate since: 11/24/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Your Psa's & Csas & you are one! Your a team.
Begin by always being honest & straight up & open with your team always.

Earn their respect, trust & were possible their openness! Open, honest & understandable, relate to, communication s is the key!

learn everything as you go, yourself 1st, were possible. Always stay to steps ahead of your team! Even if you too, are learning & training too, as you all are going along.
Be available to answer

How can you keep your downline from quitting and giving up on SFI?

6339 votes

Pamela Butterfield, Aff (Bermuda) 10/12/2013 4:31 pm

Affiliate since: 11/24/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Honestly speaking you can't make their decisions & build their business & their teams for them,they make thoses decisions for themselves.You also do not hold yourself responsiblewhen team members fold,not everyone is meant to be here..You will loose some & gains some.What you can do is Lead with good honestest,steadfast,passionate Leadership.You have to earn & grow your own true passion & daily success as a Leader.Once your a true believer & successor,your team will follow

How do you encourage your PSAs to stay active in SFI when you have no funds to invest in them?

6119 votes

Pamela Butterfield, Aff (Bermuda) 12/19/2015 9:36 pm

Affiliate since: 11/24/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Its very plain & simple. I can tell you from my very own, experience. I can also help you to ride that path, even more simplified then I myself did! I'm here to help you & inspire you, to persevere on.

See, when I too, 1st started here, reading, "you can also gift your team!". Use to make me burn,flame up, with intimidation too.

This one question, use to burn in my mind! "How they expect me to recruit new team members, Psa's & Prm's, invest in a

How can I become a good supporting sponsor when my communication skills are not good?

5874 votes

Pamela Butterfield, Aff (Bermuda) 5/31/2015 8:06 pm

Affiliate since: 11/24/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
The more you practice & exercise sending team mailing, to your csa's, psa's, entire group mailing, emails, stream posts, live chats, you'll learn as you go to get better at it.

Practice make perfect!

Practicing,getting & giving information at the Forum, Asks SC, amongst a2a friends, responding to all these, will give you even more practice.

The longer you remain with SFI, you really won't have much choice but to learn how to communicate.

What are the things that most make you proud to be an SFI affiliate?

5807 votes

Pamela Butterfield, Aff (Bermuda) 12/1/2013 12:26 am

Affiliate since: 11/24/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
the reasons that makes me the most proud to be an affiliate of SFI.
I'm proud to say I'm self made here at SFI,I came on board not knowing a thing.I'm proud I signed up for free and took time out to do and still doing the awesome easy to follow training.Not knowing how to type my 1st letter,before SFI,I had no need tonow I'm a Pro.
I can also say I'm proud of my sponsor even thou I never ever,till this day hear from him.But he's the reason I'm here.Its because he sent me an email and I

How do I get my affiliates to understand the amazing opportunity offered by SFI?

5733 votes

Pamela Butterfield, Aff (Bermuda) 5/23/2015 11:37 am

Affiliate since: 11/24/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
1st you have to equip yourself with the understanding & knowledge of the amazing opportunity of SFI.
Once your a believer the rest is really quite simple.

Build & update your Leadership page.

Earn your Ea.
Recruit 5 PSA's
Teach them to Duplicate everything you do.

Share all your progress & your teams progress.
Always be encouraging & available.

Be honest. let them know we start from 0 points every month!

What is a good letter that I can send to potential affiliates who desire to know more about SFI?

5668 votes

Pamela Butterfield, Aff (Bermuda) 8/20/2013 2:02 pm

Affiliate since: 11/24/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I've Started My Own Home Business,Its legal,Tried And Tested,Established For 15 Years Started June,5,2004.And Still Growing,Every Second 100's Are Signing Up.That's 1000's Daily.It Has Over A Million Members And It Still Boomimg Everyday.
If Your Interested.Please Contact Me.Here's My Contacts: Email Me At..... Or Call ..... Or Sykpe Meat......Or Sign Up Now. htttp://
Join Me And My Team Today.
I'll Be On The Inside,Ready And Willing To Assist

How do you learn to write effective ads if you have never written any ads before?

4971 votes

Pamela Butterfield, Aff (Bermuda) 6/8/2014 3:25 pm

Affiliate since: 11/24/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
How Do You Learn To Write Affective ads,If you have never written any ads before?
Believe it or not your already half way there. :)

Its righ in front of you in your question.
WOw! You must 1st figure out the most effective keywords you want to include in your ad.
I see 2 in your question that got my attention 1st thing.
Examples:Affective And You.

Most write ads all about the business. Well if you want your ad/ads to stand out from the rest? Always remember

When you initiate an online chat with a new PSA, what should you discuss?

4858 votes

Pamela Butterfield, Aff (Bermuda) 9/2/2014 10:43 am

Affiliate since: 11/24/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Whwn you initiate an online chat with a new Psa.
You should 1st & foremost welcome them on your team.
Then you want to encourage them to go for their 1st 500vps & earn their 200 fre bnus points.
you should never overwelm them with too much to do in their 1st 24hrs-in their begining. you want to encourage learning,willingness,eagarness,excitement,respect,trust,loyalty & enjoyment.
Tell a little about yourself,(option),
Direct them to your leadership page,their