What should you say to your PSAs when they say they are going to quit because they are putting out more than they are receiving?
Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India)
7/25/2014 11:39 am
Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
In this situation you should have to inspire your PSA to say – SFI is a Real business and you would never see any website like SFI in the internet world those who have a proven track records - millions of members, thousands of products and vendors worldwide, 5000-6000 join daily from different countries throughout the world, 24x7x365 support, free join, training materials, tools and already paid out even paying a millions of dollars as commission regularly
Let them say – don’t go. Try to realize everything. If you start an offline business it will a long time to get output. Keep patient – you will be achieved a good return instead of which you are putting out now. Just wait at least one year to get your success
Let them aware about duplication, receive share in TC pool, advertise their business in a rapid way, gather peoples in TripleClicks to generate sale, purchase to increase their receiving
Teach them – this is not a job. This is your own business and so that you have to wait for a few months to be successful and establish your business to get a handsome commission
Motive them to say – quitter never successful in life. To do something better - you have to take several challenges in life. If you are ready to flee away – success will be incomprehensible forever in every sphere of life. So friends – come on to leave negative thinking. Be positive to achieve your goal
I think this will work effectively to access them to quit
In this situation you should have to inspire your PSA to say – SFI is a Real business and you would never see any website like SFI in the internet world those who have a proven track records - millions of members, thousands of products and vendors worldwide, 5000-6000 join daily from different countries throughout the world, 24x7x365 support, free join, training materials, tools and already paid out even paying a millions of dollars as commission regularly
Let them say – don’t
How do I convince someone to try SFI when they've had bad experiences previously with online businesses?
Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India)
5/10/2014 2:42 am
Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
Straight way I will let him know very honestly and sincerely about my experience to search an online job/business to earn extra money comfortably from home in the following manner
I have started my expedition to browse Internet with an expectation to earn some extra money. I found there are so many part time/online job which are very easy and simple to earn a lot of dollars daily, weekly, monthly just to pay a little amount one time as registration/join fee. I became astonished to see all of these and thought how it is possible in this critical economical situation throughout the world? If it is true then there will be no poverty! Everybody become wealthy in a very short period!
In spite of that I have stepped to the trap to found the fun and also became fall into a temptation. Then day after day, month after month I have done that job but didn’t able to have a single penny. I couldn’t trace them after completion of job. I have tried to contacted to their Help line continuously but failed even they committed that their Help line is open for 24 X7. In this way I jumped site to site to got a genuine income stream
But I never quit the plough of my Boat. I drove it and continued to search. At last I have invented SFI in my own efforts. I had no sponsor/co-sponsor. I became astonished to track their report – a company running their online business from 1998 having millions of members, 5/6 thousand join daily, millions of dollars already paid out as commission.
Wow! Shouted in joy! At last I became successful to invented SFI – a genuine online income stream and also a real online business. Now I am established in SFI with their free help, support and several benefits also earning monthly commission smoothly and comfortably
So if you have had a bitter experience with online job - join SFI. Join, training, support, important tools, Teacher cum Trainer cum Mentor, study materials to learn about SFI – everything is FREE - I can assure you that you had never seen such type of website like SFI which is 100% trusted and open for 24X7X365. I also recommend SFI - if you are looking for a genuine, real online income stream to be successful of your target, goal
Straight way I will let him know very honestly and sincerely about my experience to search an online job/business to earn extra money comfortably from home in the following manner
I have started my expedition to browse Internet with an expectation to earn some extra money. I found there are so many part time/online job which are very easy and simple to earn a lot of dollars daily, weekly, monthly just to pay a little amount one time as registration/join fee. I became astonished to
How do you deal with PSAs who you offer unconditional support but still rate you poorly?
Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India)
1/6/2014 1:08 pm
Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
How do you deal with PSA who you offer unconditional support but still rate you poorly?
I always offer unconditional support to not only my PSAs but also CSAs. Even I never offer them or refer them any other business URL which some sponsor/upline always doing
Now if they rate me poorly I have nothing to do after giving them random unconditional supports. I can’t beg to them to rate me. I have seen with my experience in this matter as below.
A large part of affiliates do not know the importance of rating
Some of them not Logging regularly, inactive since a long time
May be some people expect much beyond free supports, trainings, tools etc
May be they become frustrated not to earn a quick money in SFI
There are so many reasons. You can just teach them what is the importance of rating is. In spite of that if they rate you poorly you have nothing to do. But you should not deal with them poorly as a leader if they give you poor rate. Hope they will learn the importance of rating some day.
How do you deal with PSA who you offer unconditional support but still rate you poorly?
I always offer unconditional support to not only my PSAs but also CSAs. Even I never offer them or refer them any other business URL which some sponsor/upline always doing
Now if they rate me poorly I have nothing to do after giving them random unconditional supports. I can’t beg to them to rate me. I have seen with my experience in this matter as below.
A large part of affiliates
What is the most valuable thing you learned in your first year in SFI?
Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India)
1/6/2014 1:10 pm
Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
The most valuable thing I learned in my first year in SFI as below
To read, study and research all training materials, tools, launchpad, SFI Basics
To set a goal
To participate in Forum, Ask Sc, A2A
To make a Standing Order of 1500 VP
To sponsor affiliates to make an awesome downline Team
To participate in Auction, Pick the Price Contest, T-Time daily
To check TC products, buy some products in TC, join Wave3
To check genealogy and update Leaderpage regularly
Advertise, advertise, daily advertise my SFI business in free/paid Sites and Social Networking Sites
The most valuable thing I learned in my first year in SFI as below
To read, study and research all training materials, tools, launchpad, SFI Basics
To set a goal
To participate in Forum, Ask Sc, A2A
To make a Standing Order of 1500 VP
To sponsor affiliates to make an awesome downline Team
To participate in Auction, Pick the Price Contest, T-Time daily
To check TC products, buy some products in TC, join Wave3
How is building a second income with a company like SFI beneficial to me?
Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India)
7/26/2014 2:32 am
Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
To start to build a second income with a company like SFI – at first you should abide by the Rules and Regulations of the SFI
In primary stage complete your affiliate profile, upload a profile photo for identification by others as you are a human being, join E-365 Championship, read and complete SFI Basics and Launchpad lessons. Read, study and research all the white tabs in a black bar in your home page to gather ideas about the system of SFI business
In next stage advertise and refer your SFI business with your potential Gateway links to social networking sites, free, paid sites and your surroundings to get new members to join SFI. Once new member/s sign up through your gateway links contact with them immediately to send a welcome letter including necessary help and support
Teach them about duplication process of SFI to get them active. As much as you can develop them your second income will grow automatically
In similar way gather peoples to the TripleClciks to generate sales, purchase, connect with the ECAs and advertise their product/s URL including your SFI ID to increase your commission and life time royalties
Distribute TC Gift Card, flyers to your prospects to grow interest of them to visit TripleClicks. Utilize the marketing aids to advertise your SFI business be more attractive to the peoples. Participate in Eager Zebra Games of TC, SFI daily grand, Ask SC, forum to be more successful
In this way you can easily build your second income with SFI and obviously be benefited
Hope this will guide you successfully to proceed and earn money comfortably from home which is beneficial to you
To start to build a second income with a company like SFI – at first you should abide by the Rules and Regulations of the SFI
In primary stage complete your affiliate profile, upload a profile photo for identification by others as you are a human being, join E-365 Championship, read and complete SFI Basics and Launchpad lessons. Read, study and research all the white tabs in a black bar in your home page to gather ideas about the system of SFI business
In next stage advertise
How do we get the most from the MRP (Member Reward Points) we earn?
Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India)
2/5/2015 10:26 am
Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
We can get most from MRP (Member Reward Point) we earn is to maintain EA status in each month to grow our Internet Business with SFI. MRP is one of the keys of success in SFI – we should only to know about the proper utilization of it
Our first target should be accumulation of MRP as much as we can in each month. Our next target would be to purchase 9-10 single T-Credits to use 126 MRPs each. In this way we can easily collect over 900-1000 Sales VP. We can buy all other products from TripleClicks to get VP but it will depend upon our cleverness or skilfulness to collect VPs
SFI gives us enough facilities to earn minimum 500 Action VPs without very hard work. So if we can add 1000 Sales VP + 500 Action VP – our target will be fulfilled to reach 1500 VP to maintain our EA status in each month to get several benefits given by SFI/TC
Now the question is raised – the way to earn MRP?
As a Wave3 member of TripleClicks – 50 free MRP is fixed in each month. We can also collect unlimited MRPs to refer our Wave3 gateway link - so many will join through our gateway link we can earn unlimited free MRPs from TC Wave3
We can buy some T-Credits from TC and utilized it to bid in DP auction to get 10 MRPs in each bid and 5 MRPs in each to participate in TripleClicks Eager Zebra Games. We can also get it to buy other products in TripleClicks
Besides these there are SFI Daily Grand and TripleClicks Daily Crown – the way to win 50 MRPs in each win
So if we can utilize properly our accumulated MRPs as per above way – we can get the most from MRP and also there should be no problem to reach our goal to maintain EA status which is our target in each month
We can get most from MRP (Member Reward Point) we earn is to maintain EA status in each month to grow our Internet Business with SFI. MRP is one of the keys of success in SFI – we should only to know about the proper utilization of it
Our first target should be accumulation of MRP as much as we can in each month. Our next target would be to purchase 9-10 single T-Credits to use 126 MRPs each. In this way we can easily collect over 900-1000 Sales VP. We can buy all other products
I need a mentor. What's the best way to find a mentor for SFI?
Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India)
1/24/2014 1:26 pm
Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
Are you really in need of a mentor in SFI or your laughing face hint something others? Suppose I think you really need a mentor. Then as per my opinion the best way to find a mentor to look at yourself first, ask yourself what you have and haven’t, do and don’ts , should and shouldn’t. Soon you will discover that self you are a good mentor of yourself in SFI.
SFI welcome you to join with a big basket , full of learning materials – training, marketing, sponsoring, compensation plan, Rules of success, SFI Basics, launchpad, genealogy and more, present some leading professor like Forum, Ask Sc and A2A
SFI also giving you some skilled coach like your Sponsor, Co-Sponsor and Upline Leaders. But in this case your luck should be favours to get active support and help from them
I seemed your search for a mentor in SFI end here
Are you really in need of a mentor in SFI or your laughing face hint something others? Suppose I think you really need a mentor. Then as per my opinion the best way to find a mentor to look at yourself first, ask yourself what you have and haven’t, do and don’ts , should and shouldn’t. Soon you will discover that self you are a good mentor of yourself in SFI.
SFI welcome you to join with a big basket , full of learning materials – training, marketing, sponsoring, compensation
What should new affiliates NOT do in their first month?
Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India)
5/10/2014 2:40 am
Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
New affiliates should not do the following in their first month
1) Avoid to reading SFI Basics, Launchpad lessons, watch the START video, to participate to E-365
2) Try to be an EA2 and Team Leader without gathering basic knowledge of Internet Business
3) Avoid to making contact with sponsor, co-sponsor, upline team leader
4) Forget to Log daily in the SFI home page
5) Be overwhelmed
6) Take decision to quit or give up
What makes you persevere with SFI and not quit?
Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India)
7/24/2014 4:46 am
Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
The magic tools and awesome training materials provides by SFI – make me persevered with SFI and not to quit as I am always interested in to know the unknown and see the unseen. The main things attracted me was SFI Basics and Launchpad lessons. When I went through these I became more interested about SFI to captured the know how
I have been browsing internet like a mad to search a second income or a part time income. But I was failed to choose a proper site that could satisfied me. At last I came to SFI and it is true like day light that I became astonished to see the entire matters in SFI website specially training and study materials are free even there is cost to join or sign up. What a great chance to prove myself!
Days come and go but I read everything perseveringly to make me to established in SFI business and never thought to quit. Instead of quit I became fond of SFI business. Beyond these I have started to went through the white tabs in a black bar in my home page regularly, To-Do-List daily and as a result I could able to achieved today’s success
It is needless to mention that the SFI forum, Ask Sc, latest news, basics, launchpad, TripleClicks made me persevere with SFI
In conclusion I can say loudly that if a new affiliate member went through the above lessons they become inspired to proceed further with SFI than to quit
Hope I can able to clear your views successfully!
The magic tools and awesome training materials provides by SFI – make me persevered with SFI and not to quit as I am always interested in to know the unknown and see the unseen. The main things attracted me was SFI Basics and Launchpad lessons. When I went through these I became more interested about SFI to captured the know how
I have been browsing internet like a mad to search a second income or a part time income. But I was failed to choose a proper site that could satisfied
What are the benefits of using an auto-responder system in SFI...or should I not use one?
Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India)
3/3/2013 1:49 am
Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
A Machine can’t function for a long period without manpower. To operate a machine there needs some manpower. What type of data you feed in a machine the machine will run on that basis. Systems will not work properly if you are not maintain it properly.
As per my opinion it is better to organize your team or downline from your Genealogy manually to use PSA, CSA, Group Mailer to reach them absolutely right support in right time which is not possible for a auto responder to some extent. Although in this present global world Auto Responder has a great preface but as a machine it may be break-down anytime. So if you think above all you will feel that it is better to organize manually.
A Machine can’t function for a long period without manpower. To operate a machine there needs some manpower. What type of data you feed in a machine the machine will run on that basis. Systems will not work properly if you are not maintain it properly.
As per my opinion it is better to organize your team or downline from your Genealogy manually to use PSA, CSA, Group Mailer to reach them absolutely right support in right time which is not possible for a auto responder to some extent.