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What is the best way to help people that want to get involved with SFI who do not have time to put into it but have money to invest?

5885 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 3/16/2015 4:12 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
i believe this question goes to people who are tight on schedule, love SFI, have the money to invest yet no time.
How to help?
1. Tell them to create a standing order that will enable them to earn plus purchasing S builder and PSA to go to build the team thereby incurring commissions from their investment.
2. Delegate any members of their families to assist them. SFI agrees on 1/ household plus leaving it as a legacy in the family. As far as members of the family are not

How important is it to read the latest SFI news...and how does this apply to building your business?

5868 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 5/16/2015 5:55 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Mary
Good question. SFI news help to build our SFI business in that
1. It gives us the information of the new improvement of both products and services that can enhance sales for us in our SFI Business e.g the new ECA tab encourages ECA signups in the sense that every ECA Store has a chance of being viewed by over 3.5 million affiliates. We wouldn't know if the news was not out. Just recently TriplecCilcks membership rose to over 4 Million Membership. I was impressed and elated and

How to go about setting up local meetings or seminars to recruit PSAs and PRMs?

5842 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 5/28/2015 3:36 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Djebah
A very good question.
To set up a local meeting, i'l advice you to first get a professional and affordable venue. Like an adage says, 'the way you are dressed, is the way you'l be addressed'. If you are really looking for serious and quality PSAs and PRMs, then your venue and its location matters. Where your business location is will determine the calibre of people that will come and therefore determines the quality of your seminar and your recruitment.
That said, you need

How do I get my affiliates to understand the amazing opportunity offered by SFI?

5832 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 5/27/2015 7:01 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Ovidio
To make them understand, you've to first understand how SFI system works and operates without which you can't both impact knowledge and understanding.
Secondly, you must know how to navigate through the system yourself and be successful. Without success, you can't be bold to tell them the amazing opportunity that SFI has to offer them. You'l have to first read it yourself, get involve in all its activities and experience both the victories and challenges it brings and how you

An affiliate logs in after a long period of inactivity. Should I acknowledge this? And if so, what should I say?

5820 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 9/25/2014 12:24 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
what to say? welcome him/her of course as you would have welcomed a new affiliate. its been long.
I had an opportunity to learning from someone that this happened to. he had not logged in for 2 months straight. so when he did, he said his sponsor welcomed him and encouraged him and that spur him to become active. The letters he had been receiving did the trick, so when he eventually responded, there lied the sponsor waiting for him like a prodigal son come home and as a result became

How do you motivate your downline to spend money monthly to maintain EA status without sounding greedy?

5805 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 1/27/2015 1:49 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Robert
This is an honest question. All you need to do is to tell the benefits and how it will enhance their businesses and thus their income.
Normally i tell my team about its importance and what they gain from it. What do i tell them?
1. I tell them that to really earn well they have to be Executives
2. They earn in 6 ways rather than an affiliate with 2 ways: launchpad 7 talks about this. The 6 ways are:
a. PSA purchases-45%
b. Tripleclicks Sales
c. PPA Sign

What do you say to an affiliate who thinks that doing the daily 1 VP actions is a waste of time?

5764 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 5/27/2015 4:39 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Ovidio
To explain to them is to show them the importance of the accumulation of the 1 daily vp. How?
1. Let them know the importance of qualifying as an EA and that will make them know that every vp counts e.g if one of your affiliate is 14vp short of qualifying as an EA, the daily vp will come to his/ her rescue and he/ she is able to qualify and receives all the benefits that come with it.
2. Another importance is the daily vp comes as a little reward for going through our daily

How to explain to new affiliates the value of becoming a Fast-Track member?

5723 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 1/26/2015 3:50 am

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Zagorka
The best way to explain to them is to
1. Tell them what fast tracker is and means. If they don't know, they won't pursue it and your mission is defeated
2. Let them know the 7 benefits that it consists, leading them to 3. Explain what each holds for them e.g let them know the importance of the 250 points and that it is an income as well. They earn through versa points. Also the Wall Of Fame and the 10% shares of the TripleClicks Executive Pool every month

How to earn maximum income without investment with SFI?

5723 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 5/16/2015 5:26 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
This question has been asked severally at the Ask Sc. To earn maximally without investment requires real hardwork, brainwork, creativity, planning, passion, vision, determination and lots of patience and training/ learning. Why all these traits is because you won't see an immediate results of your labour. Why? Because it takes time to convince people to buy and without sales, there is no commission. So to earn, you've to put the above to work first so as to keep going when the going is tough.

I feel my welcome message to PSAa is stale. How can I freshen it up? Sample welcome letters appreciated.

5709 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 5/27/2015 5:59 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Helen.
Love your question.
The way to freshen your welcome letter is to first get yourself updated about events that happens in SFI and lots do happen Everyday. In the forum, latest news, Ask Sc, Alerts page just to mention a few.
With all these updates, you'l be so full that you wouldn't even know which one you're to start with because they are all important. Being able to condense them and bring the urgent and most important out is the real issue. How do you do it?