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Which is more effective--paid or free advertising--and why?

3722 votes

Forex Preacher, Aff (Texas, US) 10/22/2013 12:33 pm

Affiliate since: 05/24/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
This is an age-old question. The truth is that advertisement is advertisement and there is no "which is more effective" in advertisement. The ONLY question in advertisement is where is my Market? Whether you do free or paid, you NEED to know who you are marketing and where they are.

Now, if your target audience are in the barbershops or beauty salons, you NEED to focus on setting up advertisement campaigns in those shops - they can be FREE (word of mouth or flyers in windows)

I need a mentor. What's the best way to find a mentor for SFI?

3690 votes

Forex Preacher, Aff (Texas, US) 1/24/2014 10:04 am

Affiliate since: 05/24/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
There are MANY ways for you to find someone... not just a mentor, but a GOOD mentor. Because of the enormity of SFI, there are many levels of mentoring that you could have and to see that you are asking for a mentor proves that you are on the right track.

The first mentor you will have will be your sponsor. He/she is the one that is directly in charge of your success. He/she wants you to be successful because his/her success is directly tied into yours. So they have the MOST vested interest

How do you handle prospects and affiliates who expect to get rich fast?

3659 votes

Forex Preacher, Aff (Texas, US) 4/30/2014 12:28 am

Affiliate since: 05/24/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
I have learned that there are two types of affiliate - the ones who want to achieve true wealth and those who are trying to simply get rich really quickly. Your question seems to imply that you want to know what to do about that group...

With that group of "get rich quick" folk, you will learn that they will, most times, start weeding themselves out of your group. I really don't do too much to discourage them; however, when they see that the slow pace that I work is not conducive

How can you be an SFI Team Leader if you're not a born leader?

3649 votes

Forex Preacher, Aff (Texas, US) 6/1/2014 1:04 am

Affiliate since: 05/24/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
How can you be an SFI Team Leader if you are not a born leader?

I like that question, except there is one flawed way of thinking with it... It is assumed, by that question, that leadership is a born quality. If leadership is a born quality, then only those select few would have been given special advantages over the rest of us. That would mean that leadership is reserved for the lucky few.

Leadership is either birthed or learned. In some cases, it can also just be acquired.


How do you convince your life partner that investing in your SFI business is prudent?

3640 votes

Forex Preacher, Aff (Texas, US) 12/22/2013 10:03 am

Affiliate since: 05/24/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way to convince someone to invest in something is you having invested in it first and allowing them to see that you have been and are currently successful in that business model.

No one will ever be convinced that something is a good investment if they don't believe you are already doing it. Think about it, would you believe your neighbor telling you that there is a good school down the street to put your children, when they have enrolled their children at a totally different

I see that there are ECAs in my local area who have not yet listed any products. How can I/we encourage them to become active ECAs?

3627 votes

Forex Preacher, Aff (Texas, US) 12/22/2013 12:01 am

Affiliate since: 05/24/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
I have noticed that the best thing that any of us can do to cause the ECA's in our area to develop a serious effort in advertising their businesses with us, is to foster a GREAT relationship with them so that they "trust you." The main reason why ECA's in my area don't or haven't joined is that they don't feel that they have a representative they can trust.

Once you bridge that gap, I believe that you'll be alright!

As a new Team Leader, what is the single most important thing I should be doing?

3612 votes

Forex Preacher, Aff (Texas, US) 4/30/2014 9:35 am

Affiliate since: 05/24/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
As a team leader, there are many things that we should all be doing. I understand that it takes all of us for SFI to be successful and that no one single person can do all the work.

With that in mind, one of the most important things that should be done by every team leader is to ensure that they are constantly growing & learning. Since it will take all of us working at our optimum capacity for this business to be profitable. Continue reading, continue researching new ways for success,

What are the personal characteristics and skills you need to become successful with SFI?

3609 votes

Forex Preacher, Aff (Texas, US) 4/30/2014 12:32 am

Affiliate since: 05/24/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
I believe that there are many characteristics to have in order to be successful, not just in SFI, but in any business that you are over.

I have seen that some of the SFI characteristics are similar to many other businesses. One of the main characteristics that is necessary is patience.

I say patience because once you realize that this is not a "get rich quick scheme," you must be willing to "go the distance."

Second and probably the most crucial

Should I buy PSAs or learn how to sponsor them myself?

3594 votes

Forex Preacher, Aff (Texas, US) 1/24/2014 9:10 am

Affiliate since: 05/24/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
I like your question because it shows that you are really trying to be successful; however, I have a different train of thought. You asked "should you buy PSAs OR learn how to sponsor" yourself... My way of thinking is not OR, but instead AND!!!

I am advising you to buy PSAs, either from S-Builder, ECAs, or auction bidding. After you have done that, I am ALSO advising you to learn how to sponsor some on your own. It isn't a bad practice to sponsor your own - as a matter of fact,

How would it benefit me to transfer TCredits to my PSAs or CSAs?

3589 votes

Forex Preacher, Aff (Texas, US) 10/22/2013 12:42 pm

Affiliate since: 05/24/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
T-credits are the lifeline of TripleClicks. They are as good as money in the bank. They provide the opportunity to post an ad, bid on items, guess a PTP, buy items, etc... Whenever my affiliates show themselves exceptional, I ALWAYS give them extra money --- Tcredits. It's the BEST way to show your team that you appreciate them.

You know the old saying, "money is the gift that keeps on giving..."