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What do I say to an affiliate who complains he's not getting as much out of SFI as he's putting into it?

6499 votes

Wayne Crocker, Aff (Missouri, US) 10/5/2015 10:10 pm

Affiliate since: 05/10/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I have found that most people who join a business on-line really do not have the slightest idea as to what they have signed up to do. The misconception of “Get rich Quick” with an on-line business is foremost in their thinking.

Some also join thinking this is a regular 9 to 5 job and they want to know how are they going to get paid and how much pay for the work they did this week or this month.

I personally believe that it is our duty as team leaders

What would be your best tips to build a strong team with real active and motivated members?

6486 votes

Wayne Crocker, Aff (Missouri, US) 9/9/2015 9:45 pm

Affiliate since: 05/10/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
As a team leader in SFI, one of greatest desires is to have a strong, active and motivated team of on fire affiliates. Is this possible? Or is it a pipe dream that cannot really be reached?

I personally believe that it is possible to create an active and motivated team that is ready to conquer the Internet cyber world. I have witnessed a team within another marketing company all of a sudden wake up and surpass all other teams in that company. It is possible.


What are some ways I can engage with my team through my Stream messages?

6485 votes

Wayne Crocker, Aff (Missouri, US) 12/20/2015 9:15 pm

Affiliate since: 05/10/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
There are times when you will want to get a short message out to your teammates in a hurry. SFI has provided a way for all affiliates to do just that. This is done through the communication system that is called the “Stream.”

With the Stream I can send messages to my a2a friends, my CSAs (Co-Sponsored Affiliates), my PSAs (Personally Sponsored Affiliates) or to my CSAs and PSAs combined.

The size of your messages must be no more than 340 characters

What are the best ways to track my ads to know which are providing the best results?

6462 votes

Wayne Crocker, Aff (Missouri, US) 12/7/2014 4:12 pm

Affiliate since: 05/10/2012, Power Rank: 99999999

To be honest about answering this question I would have to suggest you will need to acquire a good auto-responder service. During my activities with on-line marketing companies I have used auto-responders in the past.

You cannot beat the information that is provided by a good auto-responder service. The problem is they are a little costly - and the free auto-responder services want to keep your leads and you get to mail them according to their set rules.


What is the best payment option for a Standing Order for an affiliate who does not have a credit card?

6456 votes

Wayne Crocker, Aff (Missouri, US) 10/11/2015 10:01 pm

Affiliate since: 05/10/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
In SFI one of the basic advances towards success is for an affiliate to make a SO (Standing Order). That is an automatic ordering system where you as the purchaser will not have to fill out an order form every time a regular monthly purchase is made.

When some products are placed on a SO you can receive a discounted price. The reason for the discount is that the SO ensures SFI that you plan to purchase again. You can also receive 100 AVP (Action VersaPoints) for a monthly

Many of my affiliates have blocked my emails. How can I be an awesome sponsor if I cannot contact them?

6451 votes

Wayne Crocker, Aff (Missouri, US) 9/7/2015 10:06 pm

Affiliate since: 05/10/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
As you build your SFI and TripleClicks business you will end up enrolling someone or many affiliates who will block your emails and/or stream messages. This is normal for the course.

Do not think it strange nor is it a reflection on your sponsorship. There are ALWAYS those who will not agree with what you are sharing with them nor do they want to be bothered by you. Some use the excuses of “Too much email” or too many “stream posts.” It does not matter what reason

Is there such a thing as helping your affiliates TOO much?

6434 votes

Wayne Crocker, Aff (Missouri, US) 12/6/2014 2:30 pm

Affiliate since: 05/10/2012, Power Rank: 99999999

As to your question on helping your affiliates too much I must say yes it is possible to help them too much.

Remember your affiliates are building a personal home based business that they must learn to build on their own. If you are doing things that your affiliate should be doing themselves then you are helping to much.

It is good to help your affiliates when they have questions or when they need some motivation. The best way to help them is to give them

Which TC Direct products (not ECA products) have you used and really like?

6434 votes

Wayne Crocker, Aff (Missouri, US) 9/8/2015 9:45 pm

Affiliate since: 05/10/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
The very first product I bought from TripleClicks was their Liquid Nutrition – I have been using this great product for about 3 years now. My overall health has been improved and I rarely ever get sick any more. My wife and two of my daughters also use TripleClicks Liquid Nutrition.

As I grew in my SFI business I found that SBuilder co-op to be the next best direct product from TripleClicks. With this product I was able to start enrolling new affiliates before I knew how

What is the most effective way to communicate with your team?

6417 votes

Wayne Crocker, Aff (Missouri, US) 12/6/2014 3:17 pm

Affiliate since: 05/10/2012, Power Rank: 99999999

When speaking of your “team” I am assuming to believe you are including everyone in your team.

The best way that I know of to communicate to your entire team is through group mailings. There isn’t very many ways to communicate with a few thousand affiliates separately and get it done in a reasonable time span.

Now when I have something to share with just the movers in my Team I will send out individual emails or I will use the Ecards offered to

How do I attract big traffic to my SFI website?

6406 votes

Wayne Crocker, Aff (Missouri, US) 3/21/2015 3:51 pm

Affiliate since: 05/10/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Having your own blog or website for your SFI and TripleClicks business is really a good idea. You can use the website URL or the blog URL in social marketing without being rejected as spam.

In order for you to attract big traffic you should have your site prepared for SEO (Search Engine Optimized) as much as possible. This way every time you post an article or a new banner and you click on “publish” (c-panel to site or blog) your new article will be “pinged” at several