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What is the benefit of receiving non-active, re-assigned affiliates (PSAs) from your upline?

5917 votes

David Weed, Aff (Florida, US) 3/29/2013 3:36 pm

Affiliate since: 08/02/2000, Power Rank: 99999999

For openers, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!"

Now, these PSA's can benefit you in so many ways it's not funny.

Firstly, Just because they are inactive now, does not mean they will always be inactive! At any time they can "get it" and suddenly you have an active affiliate.

Secondly, Now you have a Downline! People you can email. You can send them a weekly newsletter (and get 120VP for the month) You can send them promo

For SFI affiliates, what is the most overrated activity...and what is the most underrated activity?

5854 votes

David Weed, Aff (Florida, US) 4/25/2013 3:11 pm

Affiliate since: 08/02/2000, Power Rank: 99999999
By far the most overrated aspect of SFI is the use of "FREE".

You can sign up for "FREE".
You can reach EA for "FREE".
You can earn money for "FREE".

Yes, Gery, God bless him, makes it possible for everyone at SFI to actually make a little money without spending a dime. He also provides one of the richest learning experiences available on the interwebs for “FREE”.

But if you think you’re going to “get rich”

How would you convince an affiliate giving up on SFI to continue in the business?

5780 votes

David Weed, Aff (Florida, US) 3/23/2013 12:59 pm

Affiliate since: 08/02/2000, Power Rank: 99999999
Tough question.

Here is a tough answer.

Don't waste time trying to convince someone to continue.

First of all it most likely won't be successful. Even if it is successful there is a very good chance that the affiliate will be wanting to quit again... usually sooner than later.

I have a favorite quote from retired football coach Bill Parcells, "If they don't bite as pups, they probably don't bite."
He is speaking about rookie professional

I'm totally new to blogging. How do I use my blog to best promote SFI?

5678 votes

David Weed, Aff (Florida, US) 3/19/2013 2:29 pm

Affiliate since: 08/02/2000, Power Rank: 99999999
I could write a book answering this question, But let's see if I can condense this down to just the basics.

First, you need to decide if your blog will be a recruiting blog, a product sales blog, a support blog or some combination of all three. Personally, *I* would lean towards a combination with roughly 2/3rds of the information focused on product sales and the remaining 1/3rd split between recruiting and supporting those recruits.

A product sales oriented blog is the simplest

What is the best way to learn (after SFI training) about advertising using the internet when you are a complete novice?

5229 votes

David Weed, Aff (Florida, US) 3/11/2013 8:28 am

Affiliate since: 08/02/2000, Power Rank: 99999999
In all honesty, at some point you have to take what you learn and put it into practice.

If all you do is spend all of your time "training" you won't ever be successful at anything except training.

Once you have completed the Launch Pad and Internet Income Course materials. Start trying them out! Place an ad! talk to someone! DO something!

As you place ads you will begin to learn what works for you (keep doing these things) and what doesn't (stop doing these

How do you motivate your team to get and stay active with SFI?

4739 votes

David Weed, Aff (Florida, US) 3/13/2013 9:22 am

Affiliate since: 08/02/2000, Power Rank: 99999999
First, let me share a relevant anecdote.

How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? Only one but the light bulb has to *want* to change.

And so it is with motivation. If your affiliate *wants* to be motivated than you will be able to motiate them. If not, nothing you do will help.

Now for those that want to and can be motivated. Regular contact is the best method. Send the weekly newsletter, use stream posts in between newsletters, answer questions

Has anyone used Skype or other video chat service with their team members...and was it effective?

4610 votes

David Weed, Aff (Florida, US) 3/13/2013 9:16 am

Affiliate since: 08/02/2000, Power Rank: 99999999

and yes I did mean to shout that.

While Skype is not perfect it does help "put a face" to your business. Your PSA's CSA's and friends can actually *see* your enthusiasm and I've found entusiasm to be "catching". I find that those affiliates that I can "Skype" with are more involved and seem to get with the program faster.

One word of caution though, Keep the discussion to business because you can very easily get off

If you had to start over with SFI, having the knowledge and tools you have now that you didn't have before, what would you do differently?

4525 votes

David Weed, Aff (Florida, US) 5/14/2013 4:00 pm

Affiliate since: 08/02/2000, Power Rank: 99999999
Short snarky answer... EVERYTHING! If only because when I joined SFI it was still a very young program and had no ECA, no TripleClicks, no CSA's, no auctions, no Launch Pad, the Internet Income Course had 30-something lessons and there was no to-do-list to follow, and we weren't even called "EA's"!

But seriously, I would do a lot of things differently because the program is so much different than what I originally joined. I'm not saying it's better or worse now... It's just different.


I'm designing an SFI business card. What information should I make sure to include?

4438 votes

David Weed, Aff (Florida, US) 8/5/2013 7:33 am

Affiliate since: 08/02/2000, Power Rank: 99999999
YOU should design a business card for YOUR business.

YOU don't need to design a card for SFI, there are already several different types that do a pretty good job as business cards go.

But designing a card for your own little part of SFI is a good idea. Because (pay close attention, I will reveal a big secret to success with this program), people don't join the program because of the program... they join because of YOU!

So design YOUR business card for YOU!

In one sentence, how do you respond when someone asks you about the business you are involved in?

4210 votes

David Weed, Aff (Florida, US) 2/28/2013 3:20 pm

Affiliate since: 08/02/2000, Power Rank: 99999999
Ok you asked for one sentence. Here it is summed up as cleanly as I can make it:

"I am an Internet Marketing Specialist, helping businesses and individuals setup, maintain and grow their online presence."

If I'm lucky they ask, "How do you do that?" and then we are off to the races!

This line added to meet the minimum requirement for submission. After all he did as for just one sentence!