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For my SFI business budget, on what should I spend the most?

8826 votes

Dušica Jovanović, Aff (Montenegro) 3/30/2016 5:36 am

Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
"For my SFI business budget, on what should I spend the most?"

This is a question I put myself very often. Most affiliates of SFI started the SFI business in order to earn a second income and it means that they don't have a lot of money. Therefore they have to foresee the most important business activity that will bring them a better return as soon as possible. It is easy to spend your budget, but first you must learn how to work, make your own statistics of success in your work.

When and how should I start preparing for my retirement from SFI?

8725 votes

Dušica Jovanović, Aff (Montenegro) 9/30/2015 6:31 am

Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
I retired from regular office work many years ago, but I only started the work at SFI four months ago. Therefore I would like to say that you are never to old for SFI home business, unless ill and disabled to think and click the buttons. Naturally, I cannot work directly on marketing, but I do my daily and monthly tasks, read a lot the Ask SC, play the games , bid the PriceBenders offers giving 2xMPR. To be short - I enjoy and I have with SFI an occupation that makes me active and perhaps some day

Which would be good TripleClicks products to promote for Easter?

8678 votes

Dušica Jovanović, Aff (Montenegro) 2/15/2016 3:17 am

Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
It is the right time to think about promotion of TripleClicks products for Easter that falls on March 27 in most countries this year. I can reply only what I think appropriate, respectively what would make me happy to receive:

- a book.
. a vase,
- a bottle of wine,
- a painting,
- an icon of some important religious person,
- a watch,
. a picture frame,
- a tablecloth,
- a tablet,
- a smartphone.

There are so many items, but try

In what specific ways can individual SFI affiliates help SFI have a BIG year in 2016?

8409 votes

Dušica Jovanović, Aff (Montenegro) 1/9/2016 4:44 am

Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
Most of us signed up in order to start our own business: However, it is not enough to think only on our success, success depends on success of others too.

SFI prepared so many helpful tips. I am afraid that most of us do not know enough about all this and do not implement them. I think that the best way to help SFI to have a BIG year in 2016 is to learn and make use of the learned. This means that we should:
- send ads to more different sites,
- write newsletters that

How can being an SFI affiliate change your life?

8111 votes

Dušica Jovanović, Aff (Montenegro) 8/11/2015 5:31 am

Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
I think that I made a wise decision joining SFI in order to succeed in the online business. It is normal that I cannot expect to get rich in a short time, but working constantly day after day I’ll earn more VP and it will have positive result on my monthly earnings in due time. I like to read the news, the posts on the affiliate forum, I must admit that i like to play Eager Zebra not only because of prices but mostly because of entertainment especially when playing Knockout Trivia and Gold Streak.

Should I put my CSAs into the new CSA Exchange? If yes...or no...explain why.

8052 votes

Dušica Jovanović, Aff (Montenegro) 8/4/2015 4:34 am

Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
If you have inactive CSAs, YES put them into the new CSA Exchange. I think it is a good step forward in getting a team. I have put my CSAs into the new CSA Exchange some days ago. But there can arise also some problems. I shall mention it at the end. First I would like to say something about the advantages:

1. You will be able to communicate with them in your language;
2. It will be easier to explain the activities and possibilities with SFI and TripleClicks;
3. It will be

I want to be a good co-sponsor to my CSAs...but I don't want to overstep boundaries on those who have a great sponsor. How do I fill my role appropriately?

7934 votes

Dušica Jovanović, Aff (Montenegro) 3/28/2016 4:48 am

Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
I think you don't need to worry about overstepping the boundaries on those affiliates who have great sponsors.

We all do our best - send welcome letters, send weekly letters, occasionally e-cards and try to make it easier for our affiliates to start working harder and smarter. It doesn't matter if some information is duplicated. It will only persuade our CSAs that we really try to help them.

But, according to my experience, it is better to send small pieces of information

How important is it that your family embrace your SFI business...and what if they don't?

7106 votes

Dušica Jovanović, Aff (Montenegro) 10/19/2015 4:22 am

Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
I am sure that mutual work of the family members in promoting is very important for success in any business, so in SFI business too. But some family members look differently, they are skeptic. They don't believe that after a certain period investments of money, work and time into SFI business will lead to more prosperous life.

The question is what if the family members don't embrace the SFI business. My answer is : GO ON in spite of all obstacles.

My experience is just like

My team has a negative attitude about SFI. How can I change it to a positive one?

6605 votes

Dušica Jovanović, Aff (Montenegro) 1/28/2016 11:49 am

Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a very good question that heeds a serious consideration.

It is a common problem and I am sure every SFI member asked him/herself how can the negative attitude be changed to a positive one.

According to my opinion, you yourself should be a positive thinking person with strong enthusiasm. Your knowledge about the SFI business and the Rules of Success should be on a very high level. Only so you will be able to make your affiliates understand how SFI works and when they

Which will better help me attract affiliates...promoting TripleClicks, or promoting SFI?

6251 votes

Dušica Jovanović, Aff (Montenegro) 9/8/2015 4:03 am

Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
I think each SFI member should promote Triple Clicks and SFI at the same time in order to attract new affiliates..

TripleClicks is easier and you will attract affiliates through promotion of new products, EagerZebra, PriceBenders, Deal of the Day and/or ECAs just by speaking about TripleClicks actions on FB, on your own website, by giving Gift Cards, flyers, e-Cards, etc.

In case of SFI, the work is more sophisticated and its promotion needs more of your attention and work.