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How can you keep your downline from quitting and giving up on SFI?

6340 votes

Marija Lukac, Aff (Serbia) 10/13/2013 1:59 am

Affiliate since: 08/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

I have already read some answers to this question and what they all basically say is:
- support and explain as much as you can
& if it doesn't work, let them go and work with the workers.

I agree completely, but here are some additional thoughts:

- does your downline respond to your emails and other efforts to stay in touch? If they don't (and most of mine don't), there is not much you can do.

- does most of your downline come from

What advice would you give to an SFI affiliate who wants to create and maintain their own SFI website?

6250 votes

Marija Lukac, Aff (Serbia) 10/13/2013 2:25 am

Affiliate since: 08/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

If the SFI affiliate asked for advice, my answer would depend on whether they have created and maintained websites before or not.

For those who have the know-how of making a good professional website - I would support them fully. Maybe you can offer to proofread the text for them, or ask other people to comment on it and improve it.

For those who have never done it before -advise them to try with a blog instead. Blogs are easier to make and maintain, and they

Should I be assisting new ECAs I've referred to set up their store and products? If yes, how best can I assist them?

6248 votes

Marija Lukac, Aff (Serbia) 3/4/2014 2:56 am

Affiliate since: 08/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

I would say 'yes'.

Just referring an ECA will probably get you nowhere because a lot of people are still new to online business - most of them won't know how to upload a product. And even if they do, if they don't understand the importance of advertising online, you will not earn more than the initial 100 Action VP that you got when they uploaded the first product.

It would be great if you know your ECAs personally. Then they would not hesitate to tell you

What is the advantage of becoming an ECA...and if I become one, how does it help my SFI business?

6087 votes

Marija Lukac, Aff (Serbia) 3/3/2014 12:04 pm

Affiliate since: 08/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Thank you for asking a question I can give an answer to from my personal experience.

I have an ECA where I sell my services, and I use the earnings to fund my sfi business and invest in other parts of the program.

Also, I connect with other ECAs and affiliates, so seeing Tripleclicks as my own store is easier once you are a part of a network.

If you sell to somebody who is not an affiliate, you get sales vp, too. Not to mention that the PRM you referred to

What good methods can I use with the new DIGITAL TripleClicks TCards?

5597 votes

Marija Lukac, Aff (Serbia) 12/31/2013 5:00 am

Affiliate since: 08/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

TripleClicks Gift Cards are there to help us recruit new TripleClicks members. They become our Personally Referred Members (PRM) and when they buy anything on Tripleclicks, we get 45% of CV in commission and ALL VPs. (Until they see how great this program is and decide to become Affiliates, but that's another story.)

I would like you to think of your favorite marketing methods and see how (perfectly)
digital TripleClicks Gift Cards meet your needs and style.


I have heard about Team Leaders with groups numbering in the tens of thousands! What do they do differently to build such a huge downline?

5416 votes

Marija Lukac, Aff (Serbia) 1/15/2014 7:00 am

Affiliate since: 08/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
It's true, some people are very successful. Their downlines are huge, even the numbers of truly active affiliates. So, how did they do it?

My guess (yes, I'm not one of them...yet!) is this:

They were not just readers, they were DOERS. They read and learnt, but they also tried things out, saw if the test was successful, changed things, and tried again. They saw the results, then tried it again or improved and then tried again... You get the idea. :)

They could fund

What is your most successful way to market while you're out and about?

5383 votes

Marija Lukac, Aff (Serbia) 4/2/2014 1:45 pm

Affiliate since: 08/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

If 'out and about' means 'outside the house, doing chores', here are a few ideas:

- On the way to wherever you are going, you can pin some flyers and classifieds.
- Even if you don't have any marketing materials, remember YOU are a walking-talking promoter of SFI and TripleClicks. So, talk to the people on the bus, in queues, etc. Small talk will eventually give you a chance to say what you do, and you can talk about your business until your stop.

If by

What would you consider to be too much and unnecessary communication with your team?

5326 votes

Marija Lukac, Aff (Serbia) 11/12/2013 2:52 am

Affiliate since: 08/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

I strongly believe that business oriented people are self-driven. They ask questions when they need support, or they look for answers in the wealth of SFI training materials and tools. Your job as a sponsor is to help them find answers more quickly, if they ask you, or if you see they need it (in their VP Ledger).

Too much would be anything that is not asked for. Both your team members and you need time to do other things in SFI - collect VPs, generate Sales, etc. (all

What do you do with affiliates who never do anything--despite your constant encouragement and offers of support?

5290 votes

Marija Lukac, Aff (Serbia) 11/12/2013 2:45 am

Affiliate since: 08/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Dear Jacinta,

as you can see from the answers you got, there are three groups of SFI affiliates -

- those who will keep on sending emails hoping the team member would wake up
- those who will go out of their way to help him/her wake up (Facebook, chats, more frequent contacts)
- those who believe in what Mr Carson says and move on.

Although it sounds cruel, it's not. Some people joined SFI out of curiosity and maybe realised it's not for them.

How do you get your affiliates to approach their SFI business realistically, like a real business, and not some get unrealistic rich quick scheme?

5225 votes

Marija Lukac, Aff (Serbia) 12/27/2013 12:27 pm

Affiliate since: 08/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello, Ester!

We all like fairy tales, don't we? But life is not like that, is it? Or maybe it is. Remember how, in order to win in fairy tales (get a princess, a kingdom, a prize of any kind), you HAVE TO 'suffer' and work hard to prove yourself. Maybe SFI is our fairy tale, a chance to get the riches we deserve THROUGH our hard work.

If this doesn't help and your affiliates still think SFI is a 'get rich quick', they will soon be disappointed by their paychecks. And then 2