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How can I best utilize my monthly Standing Order of TCredits?

5573 votes

Mungai Njenga, Aff (Kenya) 6/20/2014 9:40 am

Affiliate since: 09/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999


Who is the better demographic to target in my ads? Retired persons...or homemakers?

5221 votes

Mungai Njenga, Aff (Kenya) 6/20/2014 9:19 am

Affiliate since: 09/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
The target of your ads is to get the best workers. You are looking for enthusiasm and perseverance in affiliates determined to succeed. I think there is little to associate any of the groups with the qualities that can assure you a quality affiliate.Both groups have their pros and cons. It all depends on an individual. My focus would be to take chances with numbers and advertise massively, then 'work with the workers'. Use key codes to determine your most effective ads. Wish you all the best.

Thousands of SFI affiliates are doing the same thing. How do you stand out from the crowd?

4488 votes

Mungai Njenga, Aff (Kenya) 5/29/2014 6:56 am

Affiliate since: 09/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
My best take on how you can stand out is simply EARN MONEY here! Excuse my use of capitals, but while all the answers i have read are not wrong, money is the biggest and surest lure.
We are urged to lead by example; collect as many VP's, earn badges and recruit and teach an active team. To be outstanding, all these are bye -products. Proof is in the pudding. No one will follow you because of your impressive array of badges or your Team Leadership status. I believe many will follow you if you

How does a2a help me build my SFI business?

4381 votes

Mungai Njenga, Aff (Kenya) 4/17/2014 6:21 am

Affiliate since: 09/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello am going to answer this from experience. I always encourage my team members to send a2a friend request to at least one or two top affiliates or team leaders in their own country. All affiliates team leaders have encountered all the problems that may hinder your success. Their answers are the kind that leave you thinking- 'I never thought of that.'
Most common issues that a local a2a friend will assist you are those to do with payment methods in your country. They have been through them

Is SFI good for students (18 or older)? Why or why not?

4111 votes

Mungai Njenga, Aff (Kenya) 4/17/2014 6:36 am

Affiliate since: 09/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
SFI is good for all ages. 18 year students are the best to have in your team if you can get some serious ones. Am informed by the Chinese proverb that says- 'the best time to plant a seed was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.'
In most parts of the world this the age that are most likely to engage and succeed in online business. If you can get them, go for them. Remember they will need your support and guidance more cos they may not be able to make purchases and set up standing

How do you convince your life partner that investing in your SFI business is prudent?

3554 votes

Mungai Njenga, Aff (Kenya) 12/23/2013 2:47 am

Affiliate since: 09/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello the best way to convince your spouse is staying focused until you achieve success. Be prudent with your expenditure. When you eventually make enough to quit your full time job and put food on the table through your SFI business you won't need to convince your spouse, family or friends; they will respect your tenacity and prudence. The respect you earn will make them supportive and help you succeed in the 'warm' market. Keep at it and all the best.

How do you deal with PSAs who you offer unconditional support but still rate you poorly?

3544 votes

Mungai Njenga, Aff (Kenya) 1/10/2014 1:53 am

Affiliate since: 09/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
The best thing would be to contact them and find out what they expect of you. A single poor rating could be explained by a slip of the finger. However if the rating continues its best to get in touch. Only then would you be able to able to know if you are overlooking anything or if they have specific needs; you may be surprised they want to be spoon-fed. Some expect to earn without doing a thing.
If the poor rating continues, the best thing is to ignore them and focus on growing your business.

What was your greatest challenge to success in SFI...and how did you overcome it?

3522 votes

Mungai Njenga, Aff (Kenya) 5/11/2014 3:43 am

Affiliate since: 09/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
Am on the road every day. My greatest challenge was going online everyday and means of paying for SO.
I borrowed a lap top but still had challenges with network and power in remote areas. I hence decided to limit my online ventures to SFI and TripleClicks and essential mail only. A team leader once urged affiliates to unclutter our desk by unsubscribing from all those spammy sites. I did this and had fewer mail to read everyday. For a single charge i found i could complete tasks for 2-3 days.


What encouragement can I give to an affiliate who feels he or she is getting nowhere with SFI?

3501 votes

Mungai Njenga, Aff (Kenya) 1/10/2014 2:40 am

Affiliate since: 09/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
Rome was not built in a day. Give the affiliates all the support they require. Share your experiences and success with them. Ask them to send a2a requests to local top affiliates who may be able to impart useful tips and inspiration. Ask them them to read ask SC questions and answers and testimonials. Most testimonials indicate success never came overnight; it was a result of hard work and determination. Encourage them to focus on the similarities of this business with a brick and mortar one; you

What is the most valuable thing you learned in your first year in SFI?

3387 votes

Mungai Njenga, Aff (Kenya) 1/10/2014 2:09 am

Affiliate since: 09/14/2021, Power Rank: 99999999
If i were to put it in a single sentence it would be; there is nothing for nothing! To succeed an affiliate has to roll up their sleeves and work with determination. You need to read and learn and practice. SFI has numerous material for learning- forum, launch pad, ask SC and also a2a. Success is just waiting for us to grab and the only way to fail, is to give- up