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What are the best ways to recruit good, new affiliates?

6649 votes

Ana Todor , Aff (Romania) 4/13/2013 6:37 am

Affiliate since: 10/03/2012, Power Rank: 42
The best ways to recruit new affiliates are:

Learn recruiting people for TC and SFI. If you are not good at recruitment, buy S co-op or win them in auctions. That is the best way to get quality sign ups.
Teach them to duplicate you.
Remember you need a handful of Affiliates to succeed here
If you are willing for invest, purchase one 100 TC pak and Bid for IAHBE in auction. That's the best bet as it is a Win-Win situation.
If you don't have time, skills or simply

How does one support a new affiliate from the second month in gaining needed VersaPoints if he/she does not have any funds?

6511 votes

Ana Todor , Aff (Romania) 9/15/2013 5:49 am

Affiliate since: 10/03/2012, Power Rank: 42
Yes true it's very hard without funds in all you can't do anything unless you have money. In today's global economy must learn to be wise with money management.
However, there are things you can do to gain more VersaPointa and to become it.
First make sure that you and your team make daily points every day to do list and click to win 11 VP daily which Ask SC.
Also, participate in the contests.
-The first is a T-time, don't cost anything, just 20 seconds and 3 mouse clicks.

What are some original, creative methods you have used to promote your SFI business?

6480 votes

Ana Todor , Aff (Romania) 4/5/2013 9:46 am

Affiliate since: 10/03/2012, Power Rank: 42
Hello.To promova my SFi business I did many methods;
- Tell your friends and family to check out TripleClicks at:

- Distribute TC Gift Cards to friends, family, and the public as an enticement to become members and sample TripleClicks's offerings.

- Whenever you take a taxi or ride public transportation, "forget" this TC X-Card on the seat before you exit.

-Then, go to any product details page at,

What are the best ways to set up an advertising co-op for my affiliates?

6405 votes

Ana Todor , Aff (Romania) 8/29/2013 4:47 am

Affiliate since: 10/03/2012, Power Rank: 42

In my opinion the best way to create a co-op advertising for your affiliates is to make them effective and possible.
  It requires only a reasonable investment of time. And if an affiliate wants to succeed, then surely they can make the sacrifice necessary to grow their business.
With a free ad co - op, there is no excuse not to participate in the growth of SFI network. Where an affiliate is too lazy to participate for free, then they really are not suitable for this type of

What is a good letter that I can send to potential affiliates who desire to know more about SFI?

5795 votes

Ana Todor , Aff (Romania) 8/20/2013 3:10 am

Affiliate since: 10/03/2012, Power Rank: 42
For starters we could write something like this:
Dear friend
Are you looking for online work, then here you find a program that will allow you to start a second income and gain generous.
If so, SFI (Strong Future International) is the affiliate program you are looking to earn money online and the fastest and cheapest ways to start. Do you need to create products. Simply connect a buyer and a seller, and you'll get a sales commission, which was mentioned by you.
The asamanea

How do you make SFI not be overwhelming for yourself and team members?

5743 votes

Ana Todor , Aff (Romania) 4/2/2013 5:26 am

Affiliate since: 10/03/2012, Power Rank: 42
Yes good question.
First of all my members urge on SFI the following steps:

1) They must either begin to buy from TC or find people who will.

2) They must step out and begin advertising to strangers.

3) They must look at the other money streams offered by SFI.

4) They must figure how to use other people's money in order to succeed. And to tell those people how they will benefit. Do this by encouraging ECAs, find people who will sell TC products,

How do you prepare your affiliates for their second month in the business?

5485 votes

Ana Todor , Aff (Romania) 7/25/2013 2:13 am

Affiliate since: 10/03/2012, Power Rank: 42
First I'll let them know right from the beginning of the second month will be more difficult than the first month, and to study and learn as much, so in the second month can start to recruit others give them basic training information affiliates.

They also say to keep a copy folder e-mails that you receive from me at the beginning, for them and they can use them to their affiliates.
I advise them to try to bring more people in their own country, so that they can talk to them in

How can I further engage my SFI affiliates on social media sites like Facebook?

5454 votes

Ana Todor , Aff (Romania) 9/14/2013 4:15 am

Affiliate since: 10/03/2012, Power Rank: 42
To promote and SFI involve more social sites I use Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twiter pages and pages of advertising groups.
Looking for website that offers free ads. Then check the traffic on this site to see how many people visit your site and how big is the chance to read your ads.
I wish you luck.

What are the things that most make you proud to be an SFI affiliate?

5411 votes

Ana Todor , Aff (Romania) 11/25/2013 2:58 am

Affiliate since: 10/03/2012, Power Rank: 42

For me it is something grander and SFI.
It is a business that provides the basic steps for each to build a business, but even so it takes time and money to accelerate results
I love SFI so everything needed for support and training and is always accessible. I am happy and blessed with the assistance received and with his leadership. SFI is always available to help.
Indeed this is why making a difference and I'm proud of it because part of this business and have the power

I want to use an autoresponder on my website. What information do I need to provide to potential Affiliates in follow-up emails?

5410 votes

Ana Todor , Aff (Romania) 8/21/2013 2:17 am

Affiliate since: 10/03/2012, Power Rank: 42
My guess is that when determining an auto res ponder on my site I would consider the following:
I'll keep the posts both opening and tracking short and sweet and personal and sincere.
Remember the space say every 4 or 5 days and never too much information overload and not more than 8 sentences. Inpartaseste being true and what is more beautiful and how to benefit by building more stable flows Welcome to SFI. values ??were about 1998 and it is available in over 190 countries around the