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How do you lead your team and have duplication when they are confused about everything?

7563 votes

Cindy Stark, Aff (Texas, US) 11/29/2015 3:41 pm

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I understand about being confused about everything.
I have found that the best way to fight the confusion is to learn all you can.
SFI offers a very good training program.

If you are confused my suggestion is to start reading, read everything about SFI and Tripleclicks you can get your hands on.

Go to the training tab everyday and read a lesson, don't just read it study it and put the lesson into action.

You can also go to th a2a tab under support and connect

What are some original, creative methods you have used to promote your SFI business?

6143 votes

Cindy Stark, Aff (Texas, US) 4/8/2013 3:03 am

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I like to promote SFI on social sites like:
2 skype
3 apsense
4 linkdale
5 wyan

Apsense is my favorite, they have so many option's for advertising like making your own branding page, article, rev pages which is like a one page advertisement for your site, talents, ezine space, apsense wiki, traffic exchange, team promote, apsense forum just to name a few.

I also use google search to find places to post classified ads. You can find a lot of

Why don't more people work towards advancing in SFI?

4766 votes

Cindy Stark, Aff (Texas, US) 6/7/2013 10:38 am

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I have thought about this question for a long time.
I can only find 3 reasons why members do not move forward with SFI.

1. Lack of commitment.
2. Lack of desire.
3. Lack of will power.
4. The secret

Less look at #1 first. When you signup for SFI, you do it because you have a dream. Whether that be the dream of owning a new a house are maybe a car. But there was a dream there. A big percentage of people look at a dream as a passing faze. So when they don't

How do you make SFI not be overwhelming for yourself and team members?

4738 votes

Cindy Stark, Aff (Texas, US) 4/4/2013 5:18 pm

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I have set up training rooms in facebook, skype and an email just for my SFI team. This helps me to keep in contact with them better. Everyday read the training SFI has to offer and share it with your team. Share forum post and asc sc post that interest you with them to help answers questions they might have.

What is the benefit of receiving non-active, re-assigned affiliates (PSAs) from your upline?

2800 votes

Cindy Stark, Aff (Texas, US) 4/4/2013 4:37 pm

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I see at least 2 benefits of receiving non active psa. 1st is you have to have a team of members to mail to so you can get your versa points each month for using the mailers.
2nd is it gives you a challange. Maybe all those psa's need to get active is a new point of view. If you can turn these psa's around it only makes your team stronger.

What is the most important benefit, besides money, you have gained from being in SFI?

20 votes

Cindy Stark, Aff (Texas, US) 9/26/2012 2:11 pm

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I have gained the ability to believe again that there is a honest online business out there. I have only been with SFI 2 months and already have 174 affiliate under me and just won the wave3 drawing.

How can I sponsor affiliates using email without spamming?

14 votes

Cindy Stark, Aff (Texas, US) 8/28/2012 10:16 pm

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
There are several avenues on the Internet now days to send out emails without spamming. Examples are safelist, text exchanges ect... Just make sure you prepare your message to meet with what SFI offers. No more or no less. As long as you follow this rule you will be okay.

I have affiliates come to me for help who are not part of my team--should I help them or send them away?

9 votes

Cindy Stark, Aff (Texas, US) 9/1/2012 8:34 pm

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Yes, it is always a great idea to help someone even though they may not be on your team. Who knows you may need the same help someday.

Should I reach out to the affiliates on my 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. generations...or leave support to their sponsor?

7 votes

Cindy Stark, Aff (Texas, US) 9/20/2012 7:21 pm

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I would first encourage their sponsor to be there for them, and teach them how to do this. If they see you being there when they need help, and communicating with the them on a timely basis they are likely to follow you footstep. But let them always know you are in the background for any help that is needed. And if you see they are not doing their job then step in. It is better to not loss a affiliate under you no matter what generation than making sure you don't hurt a sponsor feeling. Of course

Where can I find SFI success stories? And/or perhaps YOU have one to share?

5 votes

Cindy Stark, Aff (Texas, US) 9/8/2012 9:15 am

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I would like to share my success story, I have been in SFI now only 2 weeks and to my amazement I have already reached Silver team leader and on 300 points away from gold leader. I have 22 psa under me and 4 csa. It has been a wonderful and exciting 2 weeks. I am learning so much through SFI's training program. It is really refreshing to find a company that actually gives you the training you need and the benefits.