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How much information do you send your CSA's, or do you let their sponsor take care of them so they are not overwhelmed?

12375 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 5/15/2013 10:59 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
My CSAS' are not become overwhelmed as I treat my PSA and CSA in same manner. I send Welcome Letter to PSAS’ as well as CSAS’ first. I think there is no difference between PSA and CSA. I always search for Affiliates who they are give efforts to earn money in a long term basis may be he/she a PSA or CSA. I always take care my CSAS’ like PSAS’

I send Group Mail to all my PSA and CSA weekly. If necessary I contact with them to send Team Mail and try to regular

What tips do you give to your PSAs in your welcome letter to them?

8820 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 8/8/2015 11:28 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
After completion of introductory part such as congratulation to join SFI, a short note about SFI/TC and its benefits to start an online business successfully – I always give the following tips to my PSAs as well as CSAs in my welcome letter

1) Whitelisting the email addresses of your Sponsor, Co-Sponsor, Upline Leaders, SFI, TripleClicks to receive valuable tips, advice, suggestion, information and important link time to time. It is most important to do first – otherwise all important

Should I put my CSAs into the new CSA Exchange? If yes...or no...explain why.

8761 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 8/8/2015 11:31 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
Obviously yes – you should put your CSAs into new CSA exchange program. It is a great step taken by SFI

Just an example – suppose you have a long line of CSAs in your Genealogy and you are watching most of them are inactive since a long days. You are communicating with them with your valuable tips, suggestions, advice time to time but they are not responding in one hand and not to proceed further on the other

What is the reason? The most important reason is language barrier.

For building my business, what is the most valuable thing to spend my TCredits on?

8620 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 8/8/2015 11:29 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
There are so many valuable ways to spend your T-Credits to build your business. Every T-Credit you spend is most valuable in all respect

Eager Zebra Games – to participate in any Game to spend your T-Credits is most valuable as you can win a share of Zackpot in any moment which will help you to build your business successfully. You can also win a multiple Zackpot daily

Incentive to Team Members – To grow your business you can give T-Credits as an incentive to your down

What is the best way to attract new artists to the monthly Tripleclicks Music contest?

8400 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 3/15/2014 11:05 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
According to my opinion the effective and best way to attract new artists in the TripleClicks Monthly Music Contest to random advertise your TC artist gateway URL to social networking sties especially to facebook daily

Write 3 to 4 attractive and effective sentences about the contest, add your TC music contest Gateway URL and post it to your facebook wall daily to get an effective result. You may also advertise this daily in several groups - business and musical both - to make it

What is the best and most valuable use for my personal SFI Website?

8384 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 3/11/2014 11:02 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
The best and most valuable use of your personal SFI Website is to advertise your SFI business rapidly in an easiest way

Write some useful articles about SFI and TripleClicks separately. You can add your experience in SFI and also all awesome advantages, benefits of SFI. But avoid to add any imaginary conception to get quantity instead of quality

Now click Marketing tab in your homepage. Choose effective and attractive banner for each article separately such as banner

How do I choose a product from TripleClicks that I can be successful in marketing?

8267 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 3/11/2014 12:20 pm

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
It is not a very easy task to choose a particular product for marketing to get success. Its require a brief market research

You need to browse internet to search, read and study to take a rough idea of universal demand of some products worldwide

As per my opinion it is better to choose products first from TripleClicks which are easily shippable. It may be digital download or ship through email particularly in case of worldwide to save shipping cost as well as to keep low

What are the best ways to recruit good, new affiliates?

7235 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 4/11/2013 4:17 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
There are several ways to recruit new and good affiliates in SFI. Now I am discussing the best ways about it.

*You may advertise in various Social Networking Sites to get new Affiliates

*Contact your friends, relatives and acquaintances and converse with them face to face about SFI and convince them to join SFI. It is most effective and fruitful to converse with people directly so that you can easily tell them about the benefits, opportunities, monthly commission of

If I only have one hour a day to spend on SFI, what should I spend this limited time doing?

7009 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 9/5/2015 10:47 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
If you have only one hour a day to spend in SFI – follow up as per following

1) Log into your SFI homepage. Quickly go to TripleClicks and enter in T-Time drawing from Game tab as you shall have another chance to enter before leaving after one hour. You may win 2 free T-Credits in hourly drawing

2) Check the auction page quickly. Click “Pick the Price” from Game tab. Choose some auction/s and pick the approx wining price – it will help you to win a share of T-Credit

How do you maximize the benefits of being a Bronze Team Leader?

6947 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 8/5/2014 11:53 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 344
I do maximize and enjoy the benefits of being a Bronze Team Leader in a following way

Log daily to my home page, set my daily goal in a perspective way, check SFI latest news, all the messages, emails coming from SFI/TC, team members and take necessary action. Concentrate to build an awesome team

Track genealogy, movers tab, VP Ledger of team members and if require – make contact with them immediately to send necessary tips and support. If they face any trouble and ask