
Are there restrictions on products RECA merchants can sell?


Yes. Rewardical ECAs (RECAs) cannot sell items and services within the following categories via the Search Engine.


  • Advertisement services using SFI and SFI-related terms in titles or descriptions
  • Alcohol, wine, or tobacco
  • Animals and wildlife products (live animals, mounted specimens, ivory, etc.)
  • Anti-aging cream/products
  • Artifacts (Native American crafts, cave formations, grave-related items, etc.)
  • Big appliances
  • Business Opportunities
  • Catalytic Converters and Test Pipes
  • Cell Phone (Wireless) Service Contracts
  • Cell Phones
  • Charity or Fundraising Listings
  • Contracts
  • Co-ops from 3rd parties
  • Copyrighted work
  • Counterfeit Currency and Stamps
  • Counterfeit items and items misrepresenting themselves as other branded products
  • Credit Cards
  • Detox Foot Pads
  • Digital downloadable software/applications
  • Digital photographs not your own
  • Drugs & Drug Paraphernalia
  • E-books (self-authored e-books are acceptable on a case-by-case basis)
  • Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs or e-cigarettes), personal vaporizers (PV) or electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS)
  • Electronic & Other Types Of Surveillance Equipment (wiretapping devices, and telephone bugging devices)
  • Electronics designed to bypass law enforcement (Cable TV de-scramblers, radar scanners, and traffic signal control devices)
  • E-mail lists
  • Embargoed Goods and goods not intended for distribution in the U.S.
  • Event Tickets
  • Firearms, Weapons and Knives (includes pepper spray, replicas and stun guns)
  • Food (non-restricted for ECAs only, with TC approval)
  • Gift Cards
  • Government and Transit Documents, Uniforms
  • Government IDs and Licenses
  • Hateful, racist, offensive or other items promoting intolerance
  • Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Items (batteries, fireworks, and Freon)
  • Human Parts and Remains
  • Injectable products
  • Items Encouraging Illegal Activity
  • Lockpicking Devices
  • Lottery Tickets, Pay-to-Play Drawings
  • Magazine Subscriptions
  • Mailing Lists and Personal Information
  • Manufacturers' Coupons
  • Medical Devices (contact lenses, pacemakers, and surgical instruments)
  • Pesticides
  • Pirated items
  • Plants and seeds
  • Pornographic Material
  • Postage Meters
  • Pre-Released Items
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Prohibited Services
  • Real Estate
  • Recalled Items
  • Recharge Cards
  • Sex Toys
  • SFI or TripleClicks Direct Products/Services (TCredits, MRP, Veriuni branded items, etc.)
  • Silicone Shoe Laces

  • Slot Machines
  • Stocks and Other Securities
  • Stolen Property and Property with Removed Serial Numbers
  • Sunglasses with bluetooth/MP3/recording capabilities
  • Teacher's Edition Textbooks
  • Timeshares/Real-Estate Rentals
  • Used/opened cosmetics, household/family products, pet items, etc.
  • Viagra knock-off products and virility enhancing items
  • Website visitor packages/sending traffic to sites
  • Zumba branded products


  • Services expressly prohibited by law domestically, internationally, and/or in the state, country, or region they're being offered AS WELL AS any services that promote illegal activities
  • Services that are sexual in nature
  • Services that violate the TripleClicks User Agreement, the TripleClicks ECA Participation Agreement, and/or SFI's Affiliate Agreement
  • Services that may be offensive to the general public
  • Cell phone contacts/services
  • Credit card contracts/services
  • Charitable donation drives and/or fundraising services
  • Lotteries, contests, or drawings
  • Currency exchange and/or cash transfer services.
  • Dating/Matchmaking services, or any other services promoting personal relationships, including online or in-person relationships
  • Loan and/or banking services
  • Pawn services
  • Cash-advance services
  • Gold-for-cash services
  • Services offered by unlicensed persons that in fact require a license in the state, country, and/or region the services are being offered

*This list does not reflect a complete listing of restricted items and services. reserves the right to refuse listings of any items or services for any reason.
